Monday, April 9, 2012

Last Interview

In four days I am headed off to Philadelphia to participate in my last interview for podiatry school.  The reason I am headed to interview at Temple University is because Temple accepts the DAT and GRE, as well as the MCAT, as acceptable standardized tests.  I took the DAT last summer and got a good score on it.  I recently took the MCAT, but I do not know how I did, so I thought it would be a good idea to interview at Temple Univ. just in case I didn't do as well on the MCAT as I would like.  This is basically a backup plan, covering me just in case my MCAT test didn't go very well.  Temple isn't my first option.  From what I know, Philadelphia can be a dangerous city.  That is a bit scary because I don't want to move my family to a city where something could happen to them.  In my opinion, every city has its good and bad things, maybe Philly has just a few more.  I guess I'll see for myself on Friday!  Wish me luck.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

The week that passed.

This past week has been a hectic one.  At the end of the week before last, I spent time taking a bunch of tests, then capped it all off by taking the MCAT.  This week, not to be outdone, I had to take a test and turn in over 30 pages of written reports (two research papers, a reaction paper, and a rough draft research paper).  General Conference couldn't have come at a better time.  It is/was nice to just relax and enjoy the show.  For two whole days I got to listen to the messages from apostles and prophets, and not worry too much about school, or anything else.  Some talks that stood out: both Elder Holland and President Uchtdorf spoke about not being envious and gossiping, and there seemed to be a number of talks centered on the family.  Those were the two topics that got the most airtime in my opinion.  It has been a crazy week, followed by a great conference.  Now back at it tomorrow.  Gotta love it!

Sunday, March 25, 2012


In my sophomore year of high school I came across the movie The Lord of the Rings.  Ever since I saw it for the first time, it has stayed my favorite movie.  Even as I am writing this, I am watching it with my wife and friends.  Back in high school, when I saw the previews I thought it was going to be so dumb, but once I saw the movie for the first time I totally loved it.  I went on the read the books, and the Hobbit book, and I have watched the movies countless times.  If only the attention to detail could have been put into the recent movies The Hunger Games, then they would have been something.  I totally can't wait for The Hobbit movie to come out.  So excited!!!  On another note, I took the MCAT this Saturday, and I don't know how I did because you do not get access to your score for at least 30 days.  I will report back in 30 days.  Wish me luck!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

March Madness

It's too bad that the Cougars couldn't be a part of the madness of march.  I guess we were part of it for the play-in game, but that just isn't the same.  One of the best times of the year for a basketball fan is March, because of the wonderful tournament that comes to College Basketball every March.  The college basketball tournament is the best playoff sporting event.  On any given night the small town, no name team can beat the Goliath's of basketball.  How cool is that?  And I get to be a part of it from my living room.  I have been to two different March Madness tournaments a couple of years ago, and I saw Karl Malone there (which was cool).  Anyways, with the upsets of Duke and Missouri in the first round, this has potential to be one of the greatest March Madness tournaments that I have been a part of yet.  I love this time of year!!!

Sunday, March 11, 2012


I realized something in church today.  The Elder's Quorum President got up and talked about how one of his hobbies is flipping motor cycles.  He buys them cheap, fixes them up, drives them for a while, then sells them for usually twice as much as he bought them for.  This past week he had wanted to buy two different motor cycles and flip them, but his wife didn't feel good about it.  He said that at the time he was really emotionally driven, and that he was set on buying the motor cycles.  When he heard his wife tell him that she didn't feel good about it he had a strong feeling that she was right.  I learned what a blessing it is to have the gospel in a good marriage relationship.  The experience the Elder's Quorum President shared made me think of my marriage.  I pondered whether or not I embrace the Spirit in my marriage.  What a wonderful blessing it is to have the gospel in our lives.

Monday, March 5, 2012

DMU better and better

Remember how I said that I won't get accepted anywhere until I take the MCAT? Yeah, I was wrong. I got accepted to Des Moines University already. Woohoo! We are so so excited. Also, they told me I don't have to take the last two physics labs, which means that I will be done with school in June instead of August. And that's awesome because my wife and I will get a summer vacation now. They are also giving me a scholarship. It is so so wonderful. So for now, we will be moving to Iowa in July. We are waiting to hear from Arizona still, so we will see what happens with that. Lastly, I postponed my interviews to Ohio and Temple because I would rather go to Des Moines over those two schools. So unless something crazy happens with Des Moines, I probably won't even bother interviewing at the other schools. It. Is. Awesome.  Hooray for graduate school (and quite possible no life for the next 4 years)...

Sunday, February 26, 2012


Des Moines University got back to me.  I am officially accepted!  It is a conditional acceptance, but hey that's still good right?  I leave this week to go to Ohio for another interview.  It is crazy to think that a few short weeks ago my life was so much different.  I didn't have a clear direction I was headed, and now things just seem to be falling into place.  I feel very lucky to have the opportunity to go to graduate school.  Kels and I are hoping to get another acceptance from Arizona, but at least we got into Des Moines.  It is a very good school.  The residency matching is high.  The board pass rates are high.  I even read online that Des Moines is nicknamed the Harvard of podiatry schools.  I had very positive feelings about it when I went there.  I think it would be a great place to go to school